I'm Petty Officer Connie Terrell and you're watching the broadest regards. The Coast Guard recently participated in the Tradewinds exercise in Barbados. The exercise focused on providing humanitarian assistance and disaster relief, encountering transnational organized crime. Take a look, exercises like Tradewinds are important because we get a chance to get together with all of our partner nations and now practice getting the job done together. Everyone carries a piece of the puzzle to help combat transnational organized crime. It really opens your eyes to the true threat that we have to our nation and to all the nations within the Caribbean Basin that we need to combat together. We can't do it alone as the US Coast Guard, we need our partner nations in order to help get the mission done. So, sharing our tactics and sharing these exercises as a whole, we can help understand how when the threats exposed to us, we can see the combatants. - The Coast Guard's 2016 report to Congress on sexual assault found the number is both restricted and unrestricted record tests. Although this report would seem to indicate a positive trend, we still want to ensure every member knows how to report a sexual assault or harassment. Even one incident goes against our core values. Click on the link in the post to learn more. - Happy birthday Coast Guard Auxiliary! Auxiliary has worked alongside their active duty Coast Guard partners for the past 78 years. Every year, the 30,000 volunteers that make up the auxiliary dedicate over two million hours assisting with Coast Guard missions and promoting safe boating. Thanks for all you do and thank you for watching the Paratus Report. See you next time.
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Uscg reporting s Form: What You Should Know
USCG.mil This form satisfies the requirements for written reports of accidents found in the Code of Federal Regulations for vessels, Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) (2392C), which contains information on accidents caused by an object striking the hull, an over-helm, in the event of a collision with another ship, a propeller, in an engine compartment, or in engines or equipment (2392E)) for vessels operating by sail or engine power at speeds below 15 knots (12.5 mph) (2392D), which contains information on accidents caused by an object striking the hull, an over-helm, in the event of a collision with another ship, a propeller, in an engine compartment, or in engines or equipment. (2392C(f)), which contains information on incidents not involving over-helm injury or death due to an injury not caused by a collision with another ship, a propeller, in an engine compartment, or in engines or equipment. This form is required to: Accident Reporting — USCG.USCG.mil This form must be used to report data on persons in a dangerous condition or incident involving a vessel when operating by sail or engine power at a speed less than 25.5 knots (15.0 mph). For vessels operating in waters off the coast of the United States, (2496-F (a)), the Coast Survey will prepare the following. (a) The required number of copies of the Report of Marine Casualty, Commercial Diving — USCG.USCG.mil and the Report of Marine Casualty, Commercial Diving — USCG.USCG.mil must be provided and copies must be filed with the following: (1) The National Registry of Accidents, (2) The National Boat Registration and Ownership Information System (NB RIS), and (3) Naval Transportation Information Center (BALTIC).
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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Uscg Reporting Forms